Author Support Services for the #WritingCommunity



(Aside from costs of working on your book. I.E Cover, Editing, etc…)

Do not pay anyone to publish your book unless you can verify that they are a reputable publisher

and you choose to market the book yourself. Vanity publishers will charge hundreds to thousands of dollars

and you may never make a dime.

I know, getting published is stressful.

That’s why the #writingcommunity is here to help!

1. Literary Agent Recommendations:

Navigating the world of literary agents can be challenging. As a fellow author and member of the #WritingCommunity, I offer personalized recommendations for literary agents based on your manuscript's genre, style, and unique strengths. This service is designed to help authors find the right representation for their work.

2. Publishing Guidance:

Understanding the publishing landscape is crucial for any author. I provide tailored advice on traditional and self-publishing options, taking into account your goals and preferences. Whether you're seeking a traditional publishing deal or exploring self-publishing avenues, I offer insights to help you make informed decisions.

3. Book Recommendations for Odyssey Mailing List:

For authors looking to boost their book's visibility, I curate a list of recommended books to be featured on the Odyssey mailing list. This curated list exposes your book to a broader audience, increasing the chances of attracting literary enthusiasts and potential readers.

4. Exclusive Twitter Mutuals Offer:

As a special offer for authors who are mutuals on Twitter or those following me, I provide book recommendations at a discounted rate of $5 per book. This personalized service is an excellent opportunity for Twitter-connected authors to enhance their book's visibility within the #WritingCommunity.

5. Promotion on the Odyssey:

For just $10 per book, your recommended book will be featured on the list of recommended reads on the Odyssey for an entire month. This exposure ensures that your work reaches a dedicated audience of readers actively engaged with literary content. Take advantage of this cost-effective promotion to boost your book's visibility and sales.

Note: To avail of these services, simply reach out to me with details about your manuscript, publishing goals, or Twitter connection, and I'll provide you with personalized recommendations and promotional opportunities.

Invest in your writing journey with personalized support and targeted promotion. Let's navigate the literary landscape together!

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